domingo, 13 de julio de 2008



En uno de sus habituales paseos por la estrecha calle de St-Germain des-Près, en París, Jim Morrison descubrió un día un estudio de grabación; volvió allí el 16 de Junio de 1971, a escuchar su reel-tape de las sesiones de poesía que había grabado en los Elektra Sound Studios de La Cienaga, Los Angeles, en Marzo de 1969.

De la que salió para conseguir algo que beber se encontró a un par de músicos callejeros, un par de jovenes americanos, que estaban tocando enfrente del Café de Flore. Decidio aprobechar la ocasión para invitarles a unas copas, y posteriormente esa misma tarde decidió llevarselos al estudio de grabación al que había acudido aquel mismo día para grabar una pequeña sesion musical.

Cuando Jim y los dos músicos llegaron al estudio ya era bastante tarde y todos ellos estaban bien borrachos. Morrison le dijo al ingeniero de sonido que venía con su propia banda, "Jomo And The Smoothies", pagó por una hora de grabación y la cinta se puso a grabar, durante sólo 14 minutos. Despues de eso escucharon la cinta, y ya no se volvio a poner otra, pues se dio por finalizada la sesión.

El ingeniero de sonido le dió a Morrison la Master Tape (sobre la que Jim apuntó "Jomo And The Smoothies") y este la guardo junto a su reel-tape de poesía en una bolsa de plástico.

Salieron del estudio y se separaron, pero dado que Jim quería beber mas alcohol, y llevaba consigo las cintas originales (no debemos olvidar que la cinta de poesía de Morrison era la Master Copy original de los archivos de Elektra Records), el riesgo de perder las cintas por algún bar posteriormente era muy grande.

Por lo tanto decidió visitar a su amigo Philippe, uno de sus amigos parisinos, que vivia afortunadamente justo en la vuelta de la esquina. Tomaron unas bebidas juntos, y cuando Jim se iba grito desde el ascensor "I'll pick the bag up later, just keep it for me!".

Jim Morrison jamás regresó al apartamento para recoger las cintas, y Philippe nunca le volvió a ver. En menos de tres semanas Jim Morrison habría muerto.



(MUSICOS )_ Yeah!

(JIM) _ Nod your head if you... you know... Alright.
Alright, now I... I get twenty-five percent of everything that happens, right?

(MUSICOS) Fantastic... Got your action covered, Jim.

(JIM) 'Cos I brought them in here, alright?

(MUSICOS) Fantastic.

(JIM) Now these cats are outta sight... Right? [Guitarras afinándose]
Sort of fun, sort of... Fucked...

(MUSICOS) Do we have more than one minute?

(JIM) Oh yeah, we have as long as we want, man.
Alright, what do you guys wanna sing?

(MUSICOS) I wanna sing uh... You guys think of a song, man, that was like a... I wanna....

(JIM) Uh, let him start, you know, he's a...

MUSICOS) I wanna play "Come On Baby, I Want To Dance With My Indigo Sugar", do you know that?

(JIM) No wait, let's... I'll put the... I'll put the mike in here, we can... we can all sing. We can all sing.

(MUSICOS) Do you know... Do you know...
Do you know "Come On Baby, I Want To Dance With My Indigo Sugar"?

(JIM) Hey... If you're ever... Anything you wanna get in here... Get it... Way in here... No, I don't...

(MUSICOS Do you know "I Want To Dance With My Indigo Sugar"?

(JIM) No, I don't know that song, I'm sorry.
[Guitarras afinándose]

(MUSICOS) ...Get some tuning. What the hell's he's doing? The universe is in tune. It's probably an ordered universe.

(JIM) Oh, he's a poet, you know. Poet. He don't know it. He's a Longfeller!

(MUSICO CANTANDO) It's probably an ordered universe
seen ninety-three billion million
miles from here to walk Taurus...

(MUSICOS) Do you know that one?

(JIM) You guys gotta get in tune, then I can get in tune with you.

(MUSICOS) I can't tune this one, so maybe it'd be better if you worked on that one.

(JIM) Yeah, he doesn't... he's not an instrumentalist, really.

(MUSICOS) I'm more of a... A suburban... in... Industrialist.

(JIM) Give him... No, give him your tune.

(MUSICOS) You think we're doing the right thing?

(JIM) He... No, he's... He's got one, one of those chords on him...
Beautiful cigar, man. I see why Fidel is just always...

(MUSICO) Yeah, you have to bite the ends off!

(JIM) ...Outta sight... uhhh... You don't have to bite the end off that!

(MUSICOS) You gonna be a suburban... sub... Suburban industrialist, you have to! [Risas]
I think they're pressing us... Hello Mother!

(JIM) Uh no, they're tolerating us until we get our asses in gear, right?

(MUSICOS) They've got nothing better to do, have they?...
You think so? Should I act straighter?

(JIM) No, give them a little... Give them a little...

(MUSICOS ) Give them a little soul?

(JIM) Let them know you're where they're at.

(MUSICOS) Artistry.

(JIM) No, no, just a little... Assholetry...

(JIM CANTANDO) Well I used to know her...
But she was ten feet tall...

(MUSICO CANTANDO) And she had blue eyes...

(JIM) I don't, get... Hey, let's get in tune, come on.

(MUSICO) I don't know.

(JIM) Hey, forget it, it doesn't matter, he's...
He'll never get in tune, man, he's not a musician... I'm a singer... He's...

(MUSICOS) Hey, I think he's got one extra string on it. He must be a poet.

(JIM) Hey, come on, give me it... Well, we'll get it half-way there anyway.

(MUSICOS) I'm tryin' harder... Wait, I'll try real hard this time... How's that?

(JIM) That's beautiful, man... You are really outta sight, you, you know...
I would, I would suspect...

(MUSICOS They're looking bored in there.

(JIM) Uh, yeah... It's... Uhhh... And I, I don't... I don't blame them.

(MUSICOS) O.k.? Alright?

(JIM) Hey listen, I... Ummm, hey, would you give us a... An audition?
You know, just pretend like we're just some nutty group,
came in, and somehow...
They carted me into an audition... [Ruido raspando un micrófono] Uhhh...
Would you nod yes if you...?

(MUSICOS) One of those guys passed out.

(JIM) Uhhh I think... That's...

(MUSICOS) When he nodded his head, man, he fell backwards. [Risas]
He said yes, O.k.

(JIM) Starting now!

(MUSICO) A one, a two, a three... [Guitarras arpegiando acordes]

(JIM) I like it... Not bad...
Hey you, you cats really go good together, you really do...

(MUSICO) Who's he?

(JIM) Hey, remember this goes on for about a half an hour, so you better just...

(MUSICO) Forty-five minutes. [Risas]

(MUSICO) O.K., now you name the song and we'll play it. Anything... Anything...
How about uhhh... "Mr Five Feet Five"? Do you know that one?

(JIM) I was... I was hoping you'd ask that [Risas][Ruido raspando un micrófono]...
Want a puff?... "Little Miss Five Feet Five"...
Oh, no, wait a minute, wait, what do you want to play?

(MUSICOS) Anything, anything at all, just play.
How about "Three Little Fishes, They Swam To The Sea"?

(JIM) No, no, I... Let's... No... Do... No, do a real song, man... How 'bout this one?...
Ready? Now listen, I got a favourite ... I wrote this myself... Ssssh... Come on...

(JIM CANTANDO) Well I used to know someone fair... uh... [Palmada]...
she had orange ribbons in her hair.
She was such a trip, she was hardly there,
but I [Dando palmas] love her, just the same.
[Solo de guitarra que incluye "Ghost Riders In The Sky"]

Well, I got t'know someone fair...
She had...
Ribbons in her hair!
She was something fair...
T.V. maniac - he wouldn't care...
I would care... I'd care...
Such a hard road long to seek it...
Such a one good thing to freak it...
Ssuch a one now would not care...
Wish I was the one that's there...
Yeah, come on...
You got to! waaa!...
Kill them!!!...

(JIM) Uh - uh... I didn't mean 'kill 'em', I just meant...
You gettin' that there?

Oh she used to have some fair so hair,
just as if there was no-one out there... disappears...
Yes, her friend had a baby, she could not resist...
Yes, there was no-one who could...
Break through a window, yeah,
knocked on her door...
Friend wouldn't answer, but...
She's still home...
[Solo de guitarra]
Well, her father has passed over,
and her sister is a star,
and her mother smokes diamonds,
and sleeps out in the car...
Yeah, but she remembers Chicago,
the musicians and guitars,
grass by the lake, and people who laugh'd,
make her poor heart ache...
Now we live out on the valley,
we work down on the farm,
we climb up to the mountains, and...
Everything's fine...
You're still mine...
I'm still yours...
You're still mine...

(JIM) Hey, you wanna hear that? [Para la música de guitarras]


(JIM) Just for the hell of it, you know.

(MUSICO) He's kind of ridiculous.

(JIM) Really ridiculous, man, I think it's ridiculous.

(MUSICO) He didn't tape that.

(JIM) Mmmm.

(MUSICOS) Sure they did.
Oh, they couldn't have taped that, man.

(JIM) We ordered them to.

(MUSICO) Fuck.

(JIM) I'd like to hear it... Just to hear how fucked we were...
[La cinta acaba]




1 comentario:

  1. me encanto tu blog (L)
    yo soy nueva en estas cosas xD
    quisiera saber, si tienes las traducciones del disco de poemas que jim grabó, the los paris tapes.
    solo hay algunos en la web... espero tu respuesta, un abrazo!


welcome to the soft parade...
dejame tu comentario..que

!luego sera publicado en el blog :)

gracias por comentar.!!